How Payment Facilitation as as Service can power revenue growth for SaaS platforms

For SaaS applications with core payment needs eg a rental platform or restaurant POS platform, Payment Facilitation as a Service allows the platforms acts as a master merchant account. This allows platform users to be set up as sub-accounts instantly.

When the need to instantly board app users is vital to success Payment Facilitation as a Service becomes a vital part of business growth and profitability.

The primary advantage is instant onboarding but revenue generation can just as important.

Payment Facilitation as a Service offers the ability to generate per transaction revenue. As an example let’s say the restaurant POS system charges 2.9% and 30 cents per transaction to their platform users.

The actual costs to process these payments might be 2.1% and 5 cents (this is an example).

That leaves margin or potential profit. The platform would be offered a share of this revenue by the Master Payment Facilitation partner. That share is negotiated and a function of many variables.

The master Payment Facilitation partner provides both the technology that enables Payment Facilitation and the the compliance/legal umbrella to operate under.

Payment Facilitation as a Service is a fairly recent addition to the payments landscape. Typically to act as a Payment Facilitator a platform would need to register with card associations, spend $200k in integration and compliance fees and devote staff and resources to Payment Facilitation.
